Get inspired by BUas learning community projects, expertise and insights into the Built Environment domain.
The Interplay between Land Use, Travel Behaviour and Attitudes
This PhD thesis of Paul van de Coevering revolves around the question to what extent compact city policies such as ‘transit-oriented development’ and...
Story of Urban Intelligence
Urban regions are facing challenges in terms of accessibility and sustainability which is resulting in a decrease in the overall quality of life.
Metamorphosis: child-friendly neighbourhoods
"How can we transform neighbourhoods in a child-friendly way to increase the quality of life for all citizens?"
Mobility Powered by the Youth (MPY) Conference
Today's students are the next generation of mobility professionals who, with their fresh ideas and sometimes radical perspectives, will shape the...
The concept of inclusive Cohousing and the value it adds to society
This article will portray CoHousing as a possible solution for different major problems of the 21st century society.
Student work
The elderly as a catalyst in public space
The space of our cities reflects values that society collectively defines. Therefore, the arrangements of forms, objects, and materials are...
Student work
DVECE (Dynamic Visualizations to Enhance Citizens Engagement) tests an innovative application of dynamic visualization tools in citizen engagement.
CIVITAS 2020 Coordination and Support Action
CITYTHON Eindhoven
Citython is a mobility hackathon where a group of students in urban planning, engineering, data science, and business creation work together to foster...
CIVITAS Fresh Brains programme
The year 2022 is officially the European Year of Youth. Youth perspectives are vital across all policy areas, and mobility is no exception. Transport...
CIVITAS Educational Network
On October 20, the official launch of the CIVITAS Educational Network of universities active in the field of urban mobility took place during CIVITAS...
Tactical Urbanism
Tactical Urbanism (TU) is an approach to urban design and activation using short-term, low-cost and scalable interventions.
Student work
New course: Sustainable Urban Logistics
This course aims to explore supply chain management challenges and possible solutions.