Built Environment

Get inspired by BUas learning community projects, expertise and insights into the Built Environment domain.

Built Environment
  • FreshBrains week in Almere Buiten: Students inspiring the future of mobility and public space

    FreshBrains week in Almere Buiten: Students inspiring the future of mobility and public space

    On the evening of Sunday, June 2nd, the FreshBrains week kicked off in Almere Buiten. During this week, students from Breda University of Applied...

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    You must dare to tell a different story

    Joost Kleinhaarhuis studied Urban Planning at NHTV (BUas). In 2005 he graduated in Mexico City, where he travelled for over three hours to get from...

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    ‘Deep down, there’s a Brabander in me’

    She started as a communication advisor at Rotterdam University of Applied Sciences, went on to teach there and – stemming from a strong interest in IT...

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    Return Ticket to the Campus

    We regularly see alumni returning to the campus, but seldom does it happen behind the wheel of a city bus. Roy Labruijère, a graduate in Mobility, did...

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  • You must surely be a bit crazy

    You must surely be a bit crazy

    Mark van Eijk takes the ‘Discover Your World’ of BUas quite literally. After 16 years of teaching, he will now ride to Japan on his motorbike.

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  • From 'jungle gym' to logistics

    From 'jungle gym' to logistics

    ‘I didn’t see myself jump over the buck in a gym until I retire...’ I am talking to Leo Kemps, director of Logistics Community Brabant (LCB) for just...

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  • Story of Urban Intelligence

    Story of Urban Intelligence

    Urban regions are facing challenges in terms of accessibility and sustainability which is resulting in a decrease in the overall quality of life.

    • Expertise
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