Tropical NL exhibited at International Architecture Biennale

Tropical NL exhibited at International Architecture Biennale

11/07/2022 - 14:36

Luiz Carvalho, Lecturer Urban Design at BUas, and his team have been selected to exhibit their project Tropical NL at the International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR).
Built Environment
  • Kennis

How do we cope with the spatial planning tasks ahead in the Netherlands? This real urgency prompted the creation of the ‘Ministerie van Maak’. The Ministry has given themselves the task of helping Minister Hugo de Jonge. This starts with future-proofing the Netherlands with one million extra homes over the next ten years. But there is more, other challenges also have a spatial component, think of: the consequences of climate change, subsidence, rising sea levels, the nitrogen problem and energy transition.

The Ministry of Maak has made a preliminary plan for future-proofing a 4 km2 area in 100 places in the Netherlands. For this purpose, the Ministry issued a concrete assignment to architects, designers and planners to submit their ideas. The Tropical NL project from BUas was chosen from the many submissions to work out their idea and exhibit it at the IABR.

About Tropical NL

The Netherlands is expected to experience an increase of 25% of rainfall in the coming century. In 2085 the number of tropical days will be 28 compared to the current average of 4. Forests and trees are the cornerstone of addressing climate change. Research shows visiting forests has real, quantifiable health benefits, both mental and physical. Team Tropical NL proposes solutions to the issues that the Netherlands will face due to climate change. In their proposal living in a forest is the main element. All, while connecting the project site in Schagen to the surrounding area through a newly introduced station: Schagen Zuid. Curious what the plan looks like? Have a look at the video.